Advanced Tools in Shared Hosting
All shared hosting plans which we provide come with the state-of-the-art Hepsia CP, so you will have access to a number of advanced tools via a quite user-friendly interface. Each task which you want to do shall take only several mouse clicks and you won't need any coding skills or previous experience. We provide an .htaccess generator tool which will enable you to set a home page for your Internet site, start a PHP version different from that of the account, set up language redirection, and a lot more. Hepsia shall also provide you with access to an Outgoing Connections manager in which you can choose what servers your sites can connect to, an IP Blocking tool which will help you to restrict the access to your Internet sites, a Password Protection instrument, a Sitemap Generator, a PHP Configuration instrument which will supply you with a point-and-click interface to manage the options in the php.ini file and countless other tools that'll help you manage your online presence quick and simple.
Advanced Tools in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia CP, which comes with our semi-dedicated hosting plans, provides a large number of tools which will permit you to manage your web presence without any coding skills. The tools have an extremely simple interface and you can employ of them by clicking drop-down menus, so even in case you haven't had a website before, you can effortlessly create a detailed sitemap, prevent IP addresses from accessing one or more of your Internet sites or protect any folder inside the semi-dedicated account through a password. For even more control, you may also adjust various PHP settings via radio buttons, so you'll be able to quickly configure the account for any script program that you would like to set up. We have also included a .htaccess generator tool which will permit you to create a system file easily and take advantage of a variety of attributes which this sort of a file can enable for your Internet sites.
Advanced Tools in VPS Hosting
The virtual private servers we offer with our Hepsia hosting CP come with a wide variety of practical tools that will enable you to manage your sites without difficulty using sophisticated options from a rather simple interface. As an example, you could make a search engine friendly sitemap, restrict IP addresses or whole networks from accessing your sites, set password protection for any folder on the hosting server or forward a site or a subdomain, and each one of these things could be accomplished with merely a couple of clicks even by non-experienced users. Just as easily you could also modify the PHP settings of the web server without any PHP coding skills via radio buttons and you'll be able to take advantage of various advanced options through the intuitive .htaccess generator which can create system directives within a folder of your liking.
Advanced Tools in Dedicated Web Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, which is among the options to take care of the web content on your dedicated server, is packed with sophisticated, albeit extremely simple to use tools that will provide you with superior control over your websites. They all come with a really intuitive point-and-click interface and each and every task they enable you to do will take only a couple of mouse clicks to complete. Creating a sitemap for any Internet site hosted on the server, setting up password protection for any folder, forwarding a site and blocking out an IP address or a whole IP range from accessing your websites are just a few examples of the things you shall be able to to do without difficulty irrespective of your level of experience. If some script that you would like to run has particular system requirements regarding the server software environment, you'll be able to edit the PHP configuration using a simple-to-use tool also and you will not need to adjust the php.ini file by hand as you will need to do with other Control Panels, which means no PHP knowledge will be required on your end.